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ReeoVision - Elevating Medical Imaging Technology


At ReeVision, we are committed to improving people's lives by delivering widespread, affordable health solutions to communities.

We aim to make a breakthrough in the field of medical imaging by providing the first commercial Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) device that delivers Full-Volume 3D mapping along with other imaging modalities.

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what we do

We develop Multi modal Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography (FF-OCT) imaging device that provides unique new features, better resolution, small size low-cost device.
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Full-field OCT

  • FF-OCT Provides 3D Depth information of inspected sample at full lateral and axial resolution.

  • Enable accurate feature volumetric assessment, such as bubbles and layer de-attachment.

Multi-Modal Imaging

  • The same imaging optics and sensor utilized for RGB + Florescence in addition to OCT information. Resulting small & low-cost device.

  • Multi-Modal direct mapping information enhances diagnostics capabilities especially AI based .

Advanced Capabilities

  • OCT-Angiography (OCTA) mode enabled for 3D blood vessels mapping.

  • Unique Feature - Blood flow Rates information can be obtained. Currently done only by agent injection that might cause severe side effects. 


Improving people lives
by delivering widespread , in-community,Affordable health to people​

Our Story

About us

Ronen E:

I started to look for a low-cost Optical Coherence

Tomography (OCT) as my partner (Yaniv Barkana) who is an expert Ophthalmologist mention the need for such a tool to be widespread use where currently the OCT test is carried out at hospitals and large clinics. But market is growing fast  where OCT considered mandatory for eye diagnostics. So here we have a large unmet need.

Looking for a cost-effective solution we came up with new IP that may achieve both cost and performance improvements. Not only for Ophthalmology.

Also, there is a new branch of retinal imaging for early detection of neural degeneration like Alzheimer Disease, as the eye is part of the brain and suffer from degeneration same as the brain cells. This is interesting to me especially but its only at research stage now.
However, once the market ramps, we will be there...
More info at:
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The Problem

Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have vision impairment and suffer from eye conditions requiring accurate diagnosis and monitoring.


OCT imaging is mandatory as its unique depth information but sparsely spread.

Dual optical settings in current OCT tools lead to complex setups, risk of image misalignment, higher costs, bulkier devices.


The Solution


We aim to make a breakthrough by delivering first commertial  Full Field OCT. Offering much higher resolution combined with  small, cost-effective multimodal device, that delivers superior performance for widespread clinical settings.

[more details at Technology page]


Full Volume Coverage
Simple, Small, Cost Effective



Multi-Modal, AI based diagnostics enhancing


Performance Improve and new unique capabilities. 


 Scientific Advisory Board

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